Part 26: Steamer NPC Chatter 6
Continuing on with our NPC Chatter Updatestravaganza, we finally finish off the Steamer!
Welcome back! Still not done with NPCs on the Steamer, so let's get started.
The two old men have nothing new to say.

: Hey there, don't cry. A boy's gotta look sharp!

: You're right! You guys defeated the Ghost Ship, right!? I won't cry anymore!

: Hey, hey, you're forgetting Justin, the greatest adventurer of Parm. No fair, sir!

: Of course, you're the greatest. After all, Justin, you and me are the Only adventurers in Parm.

: Hahaha. Even among only two, greatest is still good. Good luck in the New World!

: My head spins and I can't think. So this is love!

: But Miss, you don't look so good. Aren't you seasick?

: This ache in my chest is my proof! This must be love! And look, something sweet and sour is coming up to my chest. ... (Urp!)

: Yeow! You ARE seasick!

: Aah, my chest aches... I guess love hurts after all.

: I shall turn my thanks into a song and send them to you!

: A SONG!?

: Aaah, off he drove the Ghost Ship♪ he certainly is no zero, his name is Justin the Hero. ♪ What do you think? My song, "His Name is Justin the Hero♪" has a good ring even to me. ♥

: I like the song too, but

: Justin the Hero has a nice ring to me!

: Puff, Puff-Puff!

: My husband is overjoyed too! What a wonderful trip where I could meet people like you you dears!

: Hmm, oh well.

: Let's let Puffy have the bouquet!

: Oh! So Puffy defeated that Ghost Ship! Quite an achievement! Wah ha ha!

: Puff! Puff!

: Oh, Puffy com' on. We defeated it together. Tee-hee.

: If it makes the gentleman happy, let's let it go, OK!
If you didn't talk to these two earlier, they don't mention Puffy at all.

: They even have porters who could do the work of adventurers.

: I'm just disguised as a porter.

: My true identity is (drum roll) the Great Adventurer Justin.
I do have to wonder how he voiced out the drum roll there.

: The Great Adventurer Justin? Fabulous! I shall spread word of your derring-do in the Parm social circles.
I do love how Sue being so snarky is part of her character.

: You must be Justin, the one who drove off the Ghost Ship. Thank you for saving the voyage.

: Hee hee. It's the least I could do, as an adventurer.

: Hmm. You adventurers do seem to be quite skilled. I'm impressed. Well done. A fine job. How about working for me, as my personal bodyguard?

: Hmm, I'm sure I could do it,

: but I'm no good at standing in one place.

: You must have fallen down while you were dancing. You probably don't remember, though.

: Dancing? I was? I do study dance but I could never dance in front of others. Son, you certainly say strange things.

: Ahaha. But you sparkled so when you were doing your Hi-De-Ho dance.
That only happens if you talked to him earlier. Otherwise...

: Hmm. Strange things do happen. Maybe you lost your memory with the shock of bumping your head?

: Good luck in New Parm too. Justin, I think you're doing pretty good. ♥

: Why don't you join me on my Gourmet Tour?

: Hmm, that's a tough choice. But, you know,

: I'd rather pick the Adventure Tour!

: Oh well, that's too bad. But if you find some unusual ingredients, let me know, OK?

: As long as Puffy doesn't eat it all. ♥

: Oh! No, no. My first kiss belongs to a handsome prince. ♥

: YEAH!!!! All riiight! Oh... did you say NO?
Poor kid.

: But, but I-I will never forget you, Sue, for the rest of my life!

: Of course I bet that you would come back. Made a nice bundle.

: Sir, you believed in me! Thank you!

: Ever since I met you, Justin, my luck has been exceptional. You are my lucky boy!

: Wow, what a disaster. So? What did you bet on?

: I bet that you guys wouldn't come home safe.

: And, how much did you wager?

: Um, 10,000 gold pieces.


: I lost the bet, but it was only 10,000 gold pieces. A piddling price to talk to him.

: P-piddling? 10,000 gold pieces?!

: Wish I could say that.

: Oh, Miss Reporter! OK, OK. You wanna interview Feena?

: You're half right, half wrong. I want to interview the three adventurers who drove off the Ghost Ship. I'll write an article about you and the others, Justin. Wait for it to come out.

: Hee-hee. Kinda embarrassing.

: But make me look good, OK!

: But you know, that wasn't a Ghost Ship.

: I don't care about that. That ship had the right atmosphere, so that was enough. Let me shoot you guys later. After all, you are the heroes who drove off the Ghost Ship. Good pix.

: That girl who said that freckles are good must be here. What did she say, freckles are?

: Part of the allure of a lady. Right?♥

: Hee hee. Thank you, Sue. You are an alluring lady, I see.
This, of course, only happens if you answered properly the first time. If you didn't talk to her at that point...

: We're almost to New Parm. Ah, we had lots of experiences together but it's almost over.

: I'd like to keep a horse sometime. It'd be cool to be an adventurer on horseback riding around the New World.

: I don't mean to dampen your spirits, but I'm going to have a sheep ranch. There seem to be a lot of sheep there. If the ranch goes well, come to see the cute sheep.
Whew. Next up... up on deck again.

: But I defeated the squid so I'm even stronger. Hee hee hee. I should have brought back one of that squid's legs as a memento of the adventure.

: Hang on, Justin. You can't be thinking you did it by yourself!?

: Aren't you forgetting an important partner here?

: I saved this ship. I am pretty great after all! Oh... yeah, I meant "we."

: That Feena is pretty amazing. She's cute and very skilled.

: Yup, but if she was your girlfriend you'd be hen-pecked for sure.

: I hope we can see views like this in the New World, too. Right, Justin?

: Justin, you couldn't do anything without me.

: Fooling around with important safety equipment? You've got a lot to learn as an adventurer.

: Hah. Don't worry about that.

: I thought maybe I could learn a few things.

: Tee-hee. Thank you. I'm glad you feel like that. I'm not trying to flatter you, but Justin and Sue, you show promise. You're going to be good adventurers.

: Really!?

: Hee hee. I thought so too myself.

: Me, too!

: You worked hard as sailors. And you did well as adventurers too. Keep it up on the New World!

: Yes, sir, Captain! I'll do my best!

: If you don't, you might get the barrel!

: Watch it, Sue. If you hadn't stowed away, Justin might have been a passenger to the end.

: Yes, sir!

: But I did get some good experience because of it.

: See? It was good that I stowed away after all. ♥

: Take care in the New World. Hope to see you again.

And here it is, the last group of NPCs on the Steamer. Until the dialog changes again.

: I never imagined that I'd be saved by a kid like you. You must be full-fledged now.

: Full-fledged? I like the sound of it.

: Justin, you may be full-fledged, but you get too excited. You're not ready to be a lookout.

: Awwwww!

: But I'm sick of swabbing the decks.

: Justin, a joint operation with Feena? And you succeeded? You do pretty well for a kid!

: Hee hee. Of course!

: Don't forget your ship work. Neglect that and it don't look so good, right? Well, well. You guys have really turned into sailors.

: You did it! I see you in a new light now. You sure did fulfil your promise. I knew you'd be able to do great things, Justin!

: Aw, for me, that was a piece of cake. Right, Puffy?

: Puff puff?

: You're already a great adventurer. Now just aim to be the greatest adventurer in the New World!

: I never imagined that you would be so useful. You're quite a guy. But Sue being a stowaway might have been planned by the Sea Spirits all along.

: So I must be like a Goddess of Luck or something. ♥

: Sue, a Goddess of Luck!?

: Let's not get carried away!

: Anyway, the Spirits were protecting this ship.

: Hey, you're really great! Would you please sign this! Everyone will be jealous!

: Hee hee. Oh really?

: Sure. I will treasure your signature always! (Chuckle!) I'm so glad I got the signature of the new adventurer Justin along with Feena's.

: Hang onto mine, too. ♥

: My beloved crane "Elizabeth"! You're a fine woman. You saved us even now. Well, we had to make repairs this one time, but it was nothing. Wah hahaha.

: Good luck in fixing her! That crane saved our lives! "Elizabeth" saved our lives so fix her up real good!

: Of course I will! Why she's my lover out on the sea!

: I'm sure "Elizabeth" thinks of you sir as her lover, too. ♥

: Now, let's get "Elizabeth" all dressed up!
And with that... we go to the next day.

: I'll pass. I'm gonna look around a much bigger world!

: How about it, Justin? How about looking around the wide world aboard ship?

: I want to walk around on my own two feet!
For the record, it wasn't until I typed out that above sentence that I realized the Steamer had the extra dialog if you didn't speak to someone earlier.
Anyway, go up on deck, see land, yadda yadda.

: Tee hee. It's just like you Justin to make friends so quickly.
And that triggers the final dialog flag on the ship.
Which these guys make good use of.

: We're almost to New Parm. Guess it's farewell to you guys. I can't be your lookout any more. You have to look out for yourself. Good luck, Justin and Sue.

: Thank you! Good eyes make you skilled. Isn't that right. ♪

: I won't forget you guys. Hope we will meet again.

: Give 'em heck in New Parm, too! Do so good that rumors come back even to me! Just, don't do anything disgraceful, OK? Remember, we're brothers now.

: Of course. Don't worry! I got good training on this ship.

: Hey! I won't be sad at all when you get off the ship! I won't be sad.... (sniff)

: Look, the New World you waited for! I'm sure you'll be a big player on the New World, too!

: Of course! That's why I came!

: Even as a stowaway, huh?

: Hee hee. Just forget about that, OK♥

: Well, take care. I'm looking forward to hearing rumors of you two.

: I guess it's farewell. Next time, don't be a stowaway. See you, land brother!

: So this voyage is finally over. We really had some excitement. And just happening to be on this voyage will make me famous. Think MY signature will be valuable?

: Not compared to the signature of the Adventurer Justin.

: Sure! It's gonna be valuable. Gotta start practicing! A real cool signature, that is.

: He looked so happy, believing that our son came back, at least during the voyage.

: So Puffy... I guess it's farewell. I'll miss you.

: Pufffff---

: But no! I must not keep my son from leaving on his journey! As a parting gift, please take this! Please! Take care! Go and come back bigger and stronger!

: The gentleman seems to have gotten his spirit back. I'm glad.
The present he gave us was 300 gold.

: We had that Ghost Ship and all, so I can write an interesting article. Now I can strut my stuff.

: Make me look good, OK. You know, the first steps of the great adventurer Justin.

: From everything so far, the New World ought to be REALLY incredible! Looks like an interesting assignment.

: There's a first step to everything. This might be the photo to grace the cover of my photo book. Thanks for telling me. The New World at last. I'm gonna be busy. I've got to get my camera ready. YES, now I can strut my stuff.

: No matter what the job♪ See how she's feelin' now that's an easy job. ♪ Huh? Hey, Justin! Now we've seen the New World we'll be at New Parm soon. Keep your spirits up over there too, Justin.

: Hee hee. Actually, we were just fired as apprentices. We're almost to the New World so I'm no longer a sailor. The Captain said so.
From there, he continues on with his chest hair discussion.

: If you get tired of adventure, come back any time! Run you through the wringer again.

: Ah haha. I'll see you then.

: Hahah. Justin, you sure know how to butter a person up.

: I don't know about Land Spirits, but you'll do fine with the Sea Spirits who seem to like you.

: You really have become much greater than at the start. But I'm still worried. I have things to teach you, yet. But I'm sure you'll do fine.

: Thank you for your help so far.

: Next time we're on the Steamer, see you then. ♥

: Next time, no stowing away, OK?

: Of course! You take care too, Mr. Ship's Doctor!

: I'm sorta getting restless myself. Ah haha.
Even the shopkeeper has a new line.
And finally....

: I'll make that man regret the day he ever stole my apple pie!
And with that, we're finally done with the Steamer!

See you next time where we... wade into the throng of New Parmians.